Welcome to Aest Interior Design

Where we make your dream home a reality. 

Design is about more than selecting beautiful furniture and placing it into a room. In my approach, it happens through co-creating a space that reflect who you are and how you want to live, while bringing together timeless and functional designs. This also means understanding your / your family’s day to day, how you use the space, the habits you have, and creating a space that supports that.

What I will give you is a holistic view from ideation to the implementation. Using my business background, I conduct the project management, coordination, sample ordering, and budgeting. And my design education and experience is emerged in the creative vision, the purpose of the design, and connected to your needs and wants.

I am here to make your dream home happen.

Creating aesthetic spaces, that feel like home.

The packages

1. Refresh.

This is the right package for you, if you are looking for specific furniture, fixtures, and equipment pieces into a room of your home. You are happy with the general look of your space and would like advice on a few select pieces to add.

2. Re-design.

You are looking to re-design your existing space. You have pieces that you love and intend to keep, and some that you are looking to purchase.

3. Realise.

You are looking to design a room from scratch – this could be a complete re-model of a bathroom or kitchen; a brand-new home without any furniture, fixtures, or equipment; or somewhere in-between. In this space, you have no or only a few items and would like to design the full space from scratch.

Sample Works

Modern Apartment

Yoga Studio

Japandi Apartment

Bedroom in London

Kind words

“Working with Gabi was such an incredible experience, it’s amazing how easy she finds solutions to challenges you couldn’t solve by yourself when it comes to design and esthetics. I highly recommend working with this creative soul. She will help you create a home that feels like home and save your tons of time and headache.”

— A client in Lithuania

“Jeg kan varmt anbefale Gabi's design! Hendes evne til at holde det simpelt og minimalistisk var præcis, hvad jeg ledte efter. Det bedste var, at hun formåede at tage udgangspunkt i de ting, jeg allerede havde i mit hjem, og på en kreativ måde fik dem til at passe perfekt ind i den nye indretning. Jeg satte også stor pris på, hvordan hun præsenterede både budget- og premiumprodukter, og selv tog stilling til, hvad hun mente gav bedst værdi for pengene. Hendes ekspertise og ærlige vurderinger gjorde det nemt for mig at træffe beslutninger uden at føle mig presset. Gabi er utrolig venlig og lyttende, og hun er meget omstillingsparat – hvis jeg havde en ny idé eller ændrede mening undervejs, tog hun det altid med et smil og fandt en løsning. Hvis du søger en professionel, der kan skabe et smukt, funktionelt og personligt hjem uden at gå på kompromis med dine ønsker, er Gabi uden tvivl det rette valg”

— A client in Copenhagen

“Gabriela has consistently throughout her studies focused on developing her skills. Work developed has been to an excellent level and has shown constant development creating well-detailed and professionally finished responses to each unit and task. Gabriela’s overall presentation has not only developed to a professional standard but also communicates her desire to understand and grow her knowledge base in the interior design industry.” … “If I had to pinpoint Gabriela’s main qualities as a new designer I would say her space planning and technical drawing development, presentation board development, and her willingness to learn and understand the task at hand along with her overall professionalism.”

— National Design Academy Tutor